Do you know what you are supposed to do in your life? If not, that's because you don't know why you are living on the earth. You don't know the reason and purpose of your life because you don't know your creator.




My heart used to be so doubtful as well. What do Adam or Jesus have to do with me? Why are all the stories in the Bible physically impossible? これらの謎が心の中に残っていて、いつか解かれる日を待ってたんだと思う。神様はずっと見守ってくれてて、わたしがここまで来るのを待っててくれたんだと、今になってわかる。女子学院に行ったことも、Wesleyanじゃなきゃだめだったことも、今になって理由がわかった。How precious!!


The Bible is a book full of the truth. It tells you what is the true love and how to love in the right way. Do you trust me? I am sure if you have time to explore and and have a good soil in your heart to let the seed settle in, your eyes will be opened. There will never be spiritual thirst again. Sounds crazy? I hope I can deliver the grace God has poured down on me to you. This blog will be used as the bridge.

May you find His amazing grace.